Welligence Americas M&A Q3 2022 | US GoM deal-making finally takes off. Is Brazil’s secondary market ready to follow?
M&A came back with a bang through Talos’ US$1.1 billion acquisition of EnVen at the end of the quarter. The deal could mark the start…
Read MoreWelligence Americas M&A Q2 2022 | PetroRio makes transformational Brazil acquisition, but headwinds could slow deal-making in the region
Brazil again dominated deal-making in our Americas coverage, with deals worth almost US$2.3 billion. M&A activity elsewhere was also again quiet. ACCESS PDF
Read MoreColombia’s new president – will Petro’s bark be worse than his bite?
Petro, who assumes office on August 7, has been a longtime critic of the country’s extractive industries and has made comments and set a policy…
Read MoreWelligence Americas M&A Q1 2022 | Strong quarterly deal flow in Brazil, but will high prices deter activity over the rest of the year?
A pair of Petrobras sales in Q1 is set to bring in almost US$2 billion. In January, the company sold the Potiguar Cluster to 3R…
Read MoreAmericas Upstream M&A Report — Q4 2021
With expectations of oil price stability, the market for Upstream M&A could be set for some big announcements – as usual, Brazil will dominate. This…
Read MoreEl petróleo: vuelve y juega
Un reporte de la firma Welligence Energy Analytics muestra que, si bien los capitales empleados por el segmento de los hidrocarburos subirán un 17 por…
According to recent analysis by Welligence Energy Analytics “Frontera is one of the top three largest acreage holders in the Lower Magdalena Valley.”
Read MoreColombia Licensing | Who took the bait in the ANH’s successful Ronda Colombia 2021?
The preliminary results of Ronda Colombia 2021 are positive. The ANH announced that 30 of the 53 blocks on offer received bids from seven companies.…
Read MoreAmericas M&A Report – Market heats up: Petrobras set to bring in US$5 billion+ as deals pick up speed
In the latest update of our Americas M&A tracker, which covers the US Gulf of Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, we have identified approximately…
Read MoreAmericas M&A Report – Everything in play: Brazil pre-salt, Mexico deepwater, and high-risk Argentina assets
In the latest update of our Americas M&A tracker, which covers the US Gulf of Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, we have identified approximately…
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