How are Latin American governments supporting E&Ps?
We have spent the last two weeks talking to regulators and ministries across the region to find out what they are doi… ACCESS PDF
Read MoreThe 2020 impact of investment cuts in Latin America
Governments and E&Ps across Latin America are scrambling to adapt to the oil price crash. On one hand, governments ar… ACCESS PDF
Read MoreThe risk to flowing production in Latin America
At what price might companies start shutting in production? The headline-grabbing actions in response to the price co… DOWNLOAD PDF
Read MoreThe oil price crash hits Latin America
Having barely emerged from the last downturn, the collapse of the OPEC+ agreement last Friday has plunged the E&P sec… DOWNLOAD PDF
Read MoreThe Welligence 2020 outlook for Latin America
With much to look forward to across the region, our report highlights the exciting offshore exploration program, lice… DOWNLOAD PDF
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