Americas M&A Report – Market heats up: Petrobras set to bring in US$5 billion+ as deals pick up speed
In the latest update of our Americas M&A tracker, which covers the US Gulf of Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, we have identified approximately…
Read MoreThe BHP/Woodside combo – diving into BHP’s Americas portfolio
The proposed US$28 billion combination of Woodside Petroleum and BHP’s oil & gas business creates one of the world’s leading independents. The Americas will play…
Read MoreAmericas M&A Report – Everything in play: Brazil pre-salt, Mexico deepwater, and high-risk Argentina assets
In the latest update of our Americas M&A tracker, which covers the US Gulf of Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, we have identified approximately…
Read MoreEni strikes again on Block 10, but is it enough?
Does Eni have a second greenfield development in Mexico on its hands? The Sayulita find earlier this week gives the company two discoveries on its…
Read MoreLukoil doubles down on Mexico as political risk increases
On 5 July 2021, Lukoil announced the acquisition of Fieldwood Mexico’s 50% operating stake in Ichalkil-Pokoch for US$435 million, plus 2021 capital expenditures (which we…
Read MoreZama, ¿orgullo nacionalista?
Para el experto de la consultoría Welligence, Pablo Medina, la decisión del gobierno de México es un tema de ego. ¿Por qué? Porque todos: Pemex,…
Read MoreMexican Authorities Award Pemex Operatorship of Disputed Zama Field
Houston-based Welligence Energy Analytics pointed out that Pemex has suffered disappointing results with shallower fields, including a 50% drop in production over a 6-month period…
Read MoreMexico’s Zama field – why Pemex operatorship presents new risks
Discovered by Talos Energy in 2017, Zama perfectly sums up the success of Mexico’s Energy Reform from 2013-2018, a period over which the country attracted…
Read MoreDemandará Talos por abuso de Pemex
Americas Upstream M&A Report – YPF follows in the footsteps of Petrobras with mature fields sell-off
Deal flow remains quiet in the Americas, but we expect a pick-up in activity in the next few months as Petrobras closes out several ongoing…
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